In.Net ProgrammingbyValentyn Osidach 📚The best dynamic LINQ library with Gridify in .NETIntroduction to Gridify with ExamplesAug 27, 20241Aug 27, 20241
In.Net Programmingbyyusuf sarıkayaOptimize Entity Framework Query: Say Goodbye to Join Tables and Embrace Materialized Views(Indexed…As a backend developer, we can find ourselves reading and manipulating data with complex queries. Especially with the ORM…May 4, 20244May 4, 20244
InLevel Up CodingbyMatt Bentley.NET Audit Implementation via the Entity Framework Change TrackerA guide to using the Entity Framework Change Tracker to audit data changes in .NET.Aug 27, 2023Aug 27, 2023
Obinna “Anderson” AsiegbulamLINQing It All Together: Mastering Data Queries for All LevelsJan 9, 2024Jan 9, 2024
InCodeNxbyMerwan ChintaExplore Hangfire with .NET (C#)Hangfire is an open-source library for .NET that enables developers to create, process, and manage background jobs in a .NET application.Dec 22, 2023Dec 22, 2023
Juldhais HengkyawanMultiple Database Provider Migrations in Entity FrameworkIn some scenarios, we need to use different database providers for development and production environments. For instance, consider a…Dec 28, 2023Dec 28, 2023
Milan JovanovićHow To Use EF Core InterceptorsEF Core is my favorite ORM for .NET applications. Yet, its many fantastic features sometimes go unnoticed. For example, query splitting…Nov 18, 2023Nov 18, 2023
Eduardo SilvaEntity Framework Core — SubqueriesExploring Subqueries in Entity Framework Core: Optimizing Data RetrievalAug 15, 2023Aug 15, 2023
Amina MimTransactions on EF CoreIn development, there will be many cases where we will need to perform multiple operations on a database, and all served as a single…Jan 6, 2023Jan 6, 2023
Muhammad KhoirudinGlobal Query Filter EF Core to Handle Soft DeleteIn software development industry, we are going to work with CRUD operation, but we only need about deleting data. There are 2 ways to deal…Jan 1, 20231Jan 1, 20231
Zack Yang400% faster, Rapid data insertion in Entity Framework Core 7Because in the previous version, Entity Framework Core (EF Core) could not efficiently insert, modify and delete data in batches, so I…Dec 1, 2022Dec 1, 2022
Nitesh SinghalCreating views with Entity framework coreA Technical tutorial on how to create views in code first approach with EF coreJan 12, 20221Jan 12, 20221