Ilya ChumakovNested validation in .NETIn this blog’s opening post, I discuss the problem of validating nested Data Transfer Objects in modern .NET. Nesting simply means that…Jan 171Jan 171
Engr. Md. Hasan MonsurMiniProfiler for .NET: The Essential Tool for Identifying Performance BottlenecksIn “MiniProfiler for .NET: The Essential Tool for Identifying Performance Bottlenecks,” discover how this lightweight profiling library…Nov 1, 2024Nov 1, 2024
Anderson GodoyManual vs. Automated Mapping in C#: Which Approach Is Best for Your Project?In C#, mapping between objects like entities and DTOs is a common practice to isolate data layers and abstract implementation details. This…Nov 10, 2024Nov 10, 2024
Mesut AtasoyWriting Business Rules Using .NET Core and Design PatternsIn a complex business application, implementing business rules efficiently is crucial to maintain clean code, avoid duplication, and…Oct 17, 202422Oct 17, 202422
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InLevel Up CodingbyMatt BentleyA Simple Event Sourcing Implementation in .NETA beginners guide to Event Sourcing and how to implement Event Sourcing in .NET using Entity Framework Core and MediatR.Oct 31, 20235Oct 31, 20235
Mads Engel LundtMicroservices with event sourcing using .NET CoreI spend some time last year implementing an example project on how to structure an API using microservices in .NET Core. In my summer…Aug 28, 20204Aug 28, 20204
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Goker AkceImplement a Custom Configuration Provider in .NET 7If you want to control some of your configuration values from the database you may find this article interesting.Jan 10, 20231Jan 10, 20231
InBetter ProgrammingbyMohamed MayalloLiskov Substitution Principle isn’t Complex. Just Give it a TryA guide to help you understand the Liskov Substitution Complex betterJan 3, 20236Jan 3, 20236
Czxdas[Dot Net Core](Graphic series ) 12. List the main Singleton Service during the Host BuildThe first two sections confirm and explain that dot net core is doing related work and will use Singleton to retain related settings…Jan 14, 2022Jan 14, 2022
Saeed EsmaeelinejadASP.NET Core RateLimit with ActionFilters and EndPointFiltersWhen building web applications, you might often want to control the frequency of user requests to prevent malicious attacks. In other…Feb 23, 20223Feb 23, 20223